Attention Real Estate Investors

Copy and Paste my Virtual Wholesale Real Estate Investing Systems

Copy & Paste Our Proven REI Machine System in 90 Days Or Less Without doing Cold Calling, Driving For Dollars or Information Overwhelm

Leads + Community + Education + Systems = Scale

This if for you if...

You Are determined to Get Results not just a side hustle

you're Ready To Take Action

"Nothing changes until it changes."

its time for a change.

If you are ready to take Action we are ready to help you get consistent Guaranteed Inbound deal flow with proven systems.

you're Tired of Cold Calling

Let's face it, who wants to live in a dialer pestering people? TCPA compliance and regulation is at an all time High. We want to talk with willing and able leads now so We can get paid sooner not in 9 months... or never ever.

you're Determined to Scale

you are probably missing either leads, duplicatable sales process or scalable systems. The goal is to do less and make more, this is how to scale. It is not about manual work it is about setting and scaling a deal flow machine.

you're Tired of Courses

Information is abundant but that is not the missing link. it is the right information at the right time supported by the proven system to implement. Action will trump content every time and combined with right strategy and systems you can make it actually work.

we have been getting results for Over 10 years In Our Business

We have simplified what works for us So you can implement a proven path/

A letter from Johell Aponte's desk...

I am a simple family man.

Let me share real quick why I am so passionate about this topic of virtual real estate investing...

The reason is I was perhaps just like you, not satisfied with my current job or location situation.

After all we only have 1 life.

I had a great corporate job rotating offshore but was missing precious time away from family and my lovely girls.

I asked myself ok...

how can i get the time and location freedom i'd like?

How can I make this work?

How can i break these golden handcuffs?

So i researched and bought the "rich Dad, Poor Dad" book by kiyosaki

binged on REI Content...

I purchased course after course, even bought a nationwide franchise... (All of that was simply a failure at a loss)

I was doing all of this on the side without results but would simply not give up.

I wanted life in MY TERMS not some one else's parameters.

I wanted to have my girls grow up knowing their grandparents because honestly time flies by and there is nothing more precious than memories.

I never gave up and eventually wholesaled my neighbors house for a $22,000 Assignment Fee, i was hooked.

After that I focused on systematizing everything Leads, Sales and Follow Up Systems.

Those are the 3 pillars... and all that matters, the rest is hype to be honest.

real estate is one of the oldest and most proven Wealth and income building opportunities.

I'm glad I never gave up and now we are unlocking true virtual real estate wholesale businesses nationwide by focusing on what matters.

if you are looking for another "hoorah" coaching program this is not it... this is a license to copy and paste my 7 Figure Virtual Real Estate Wholesale business with intimate support.

i will leave you with this message, whatever it is you do want to achieve you must go after it "All In" there is no Simply success in the sidelines.

our dream life requires action, don't give up. We are rooting for you.

A letter from Johell Aponte's desk...

I am a simple family man.

Let me share real quick why I am so passionate about this topic of virtual real estate investing...

The reason is I was perhaps just like you, not satisfied with my current job or location situation.

After all we only have 1 life.

I had a great corporate job rotating offshore but was missing precious time away from family and my lovely girls.

I asked myself ok...

how can i get the time and location freedom i'd like?

How can I make this work?

How can i break these golden handcuffs?

So i researched and bought the "rich Dad, Poor Dad" book by kiyosaki

binged on REI Content...

I purchased course after course, even bought a nationwide franchise... (All of that was simply a failure at a loss)

I was doing all of this on the side without results but would simply not give up.

I wanted life in MY TERMS not some one else's parameters.

I wanted to have my girls grow up knowing their grandparents because honestly time flies by and there is nothing more precious than memories.

I never gave up and eventually wholesaled my neighbors house for a $22,000 Assignment Fee, i was hooked.

After that I focused on systematizing everything Leads, Sales and Follow Up Systems.

Those are the 3 pillars.

I'm glad I never gave up and now we are unlocking true virtual real estate wholesale businesses nationwide by focusing on what matters.

if you are looking for another "hoorah" coaching program this is not it... this is a license to copy and paste my 7 Figure Virtual Real Estate Wholesale business with intimate support.

i will leave you with this message, whatever it is you do want to achieve you must go after it "All In" there is no Simply success in the sidelines.

our dream life requires action, don't give up. We are rooting for you.

Real People, Real Results

"The system is a no brainer the leads come in and are followed up with on Autopilot a lot more consistent than cold calling."

- Omar

"The business is beyond me At this point I am In the process of Hiring more personnel, simply too many Deals, leads and appointments"

- Josh

"It has all been roses, we really liked how The system has Inbound Leads Coming In from The Start."

- Jesse and Paola

"The sales Script and Process is the Bedrock of it all How We set the foundation for the conversation."

- Sol

"Even if I would not assist to any of the Calls Any longer I Have Already Made My Money Back."

- Logan

"I have been through many programs but the systems in place make it a real business, not just a hobby."

- Will

Ready to Consistent Wholesale Real Estate Deals Closing without chasing sellers, agents or duct taped overwhelming systems?

Click below to apply now

3 Pillars For Consistent Wholesale Deals

Acquisitions Mastery

  • Automated calendar booking systems full of motivated sellers.

  • Only pay for viable inbound off market motivated sellers leads.

  • Understand and manage the 2 critical roles for virtual wholesaling.

Dispositions Mastery

  • Buyer qualification & sales system without tech overwhelm to integrate with acquisitions.

  • Get increased profit margins by exposing deals to the masses.

  • Acquire the best off market cash offer from private investors.

Traffic Mastery

  • Reduce cost per contract below outsourced lead generation methods like pay per lead.

  • Get dead cold suspects raise their hands 24/7 becoming an actual motivated lead.

  • Attract high quality organic motivated leads on auto pilot.

Inspiring, motivating, honest..



  • Join An Undisputed Community: We've built an amazing community. People from all walks of life - different ages, background, sizes. But they all share a common desire to be better and achieve their goals.  
  • Tailored Plans And Support: Our community epitomises support. Our network continues to grow and we ensure you are never alone on any programme. Group sessions, partner sessions and time with a dedicated personal trainer. Trust us when we say, you are not alone on your health journey. 
  • Commitment: We pride ourselves on ensuring you get the time, passion and commitment you expect. We understand each person has their own goals on their health journey and we will commit to you, ensuring your goals are achieved. You can guarantee this in abundance.
Is this a good fit for you? Read these...

frequently asked questions

Our 4 coaching principles/Our 4 Step Journey:

here's Everything you receive when you apply


Willing and Able Motivated Sellers are th bloodline of real estate investing because without inventory there is nothing to sell.

  • Marketing Insurance: only pay per viable lead

    • Valid County and Property, not a mobile home on rented lot or outside of active selected county

    • Not Spam, Good Contact information and Reached

    • Not Listed on MLS

    • Direct Ownership Interest

  • Motivation: 100% inbound, not cold called leads or lists to download

  • plug and play: Fed directly into your licensed sub account

  • Easy To Monitor and Scale: There is a wrong way and a right way to manage these campaigns we will show you how.


In addition to our WiFiFlips University Community Access, you will have access to our REI Accelerator Private Slack

  • REI Accelerator Peer Group: Active REI Accelerator Members Are Setting and Scaling Their House Buying Machines, it is a highly engaged community

  • Faster Responses: Get Faster Responses On Questions and Mastermind with others.

  • Stay Supported & Motivated: As the saying goes you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with


Step by step lessons available 24 / 7 with the most updated strategies and Techniques

  • Step by Step: Proven over the shoulder Updated content

  • 24/7 Access: On demand Access

  • Easy To Follow: View and Implement


Never miss another opportunity again!

  • Acquisitions Pipeline: Automations, AI Bot and Proven Multimedia follow up systems to get motivated sellers into your calendars fast

  • Off Market Dispositions Pipeline: prewritten qualification and selling systems for your private cash buyers list

  • On Market Dispositions Pipeline: Sell your deals for way more by not only placing them on the market but creating bidding wars for deals


Never wonder Where your next deal will Come From


mastermind with other active Community Members


refer to step by step video lessons and resources 24/7


manage your Entire business in one central location online

about us

Learn more about your winning coaches.

Johell Aponte, Founder at

I am here to serve and hopefully prevent you from committing some of my horrible mistakes.

Saul Suria

Acquisitions Closer Coach

Saul used to live in the west coast in los angeles and currently resides back in his home country of El Salvador helping with Acquisitions Sales In the Wholesale business.

David Sanchez

Coordinator Coach

David is born and raised in mexico and will be a great resource for coordinator role type of tasks.

Ready To Start Getting Results? Apply Now

The WiFiFlips REI Accelerator is a unique software licensing with coaching support program that helps Active Real Estate Investors, Aspiring Real Estate Investors, and Corporate Renegades get consistent wholesale real estate deal flow in 16 weeks without cold calling for leads, information overwhelm, or fear of uncertainty so they can get time and location a freedom

Frequently asked questions.

All your questions answered so you can make the right decision before moving forward and applying!

Is this coaching or a Software CRM License?

It is both. it is A System license with coaching, education and community issued to you for 20 weeks and this includes the CRM. We have packaged all of our systems ready for you to plug and play. It is in our best interest for you to be successful.

How Long Is The REI Accelerator?

a full 20 weeks after receiving your first lead There is usually a lag from initial onboarding Setup to getting the leads coming in.

What happens After the REI Accelerator Ends?

You will have the option to keep Just the CRM system at a discounted rate or continue to work with us at a greater level known as the REI LORDS in which we continue supporting yourself and your coordinator on a daily basis during weekdays and holidays and to keep scaling.

How Much Support Will I Get?

Support is essential for success and we thrive on it. On weekdays we have daily support calls, private REI Accelerator Slack Channel, monthly workshops and hands on onboarding in addition to what the WiFiFlips University has to Offer.

How Is This Different From WiFiFlips University?

WiFiFlips University has Monthly Workshops, Vault of Courses and community it is not an issued REI Accelerator license with Coordinator and Closer weekly support calls as well as the owner's huddle room calls plus we are offering onboarding support as well as a trained and supported coordinator.

What does the program cost?

This is not a "cheap" product. It is a Virtual Real Estate Investing business in a box ready for you to be plugged in and deployed with TONS of support. This is a Premium System License designed to help you get maximum results with less guesswork in less time. We have 2 options a "Pay As You Go" option and we also have 3rd Party Financing Companies that can help you get the investment financed if we both feel it is a good fit. Our goal is to retain you as a long term successful real estate investor Licensee so it is in our best interest for you to succeed to continue working with us.

How much will it cost to start?

We require a $3,000 USD deposit + $4,000 Advertisement Budget to start so we can onboard your license and assign you a 20 hour per Week Coordinator covered within the program investment so they can help you cover for new leads or odd hours. Our goal is to set you up for success from the start not sell you information or just coaching.

How Much Are the Leads?

Our average member's cost per Closing varies between $2,165 to $4,650. Cost per Lead varies from $50 to $250 in our pay per lead initial stage. All of these numbers are subject to change and will vary on Sales Ability, this is why we train on closing and coordinator tasks every single week.

What Refunds or Guarantees are offered?

Ultimately starting a business can be risky. The only guarantee is that if what you are doing currently is not working how will doing it again Actually work? It is your business, We can not guarantee work we do not perform but we are here with you Supporting your implementation of what we believe works based on experience. besides the pay per lead credit request guarantees there is none. our most successful members are eager to implement a proven system and follow direction to success. if you need an outrageous guarantee this program is not for you please do not apply.

What happens if I quit or stop making payments?

That would be Disappointing, at that time your REI Accelerator License will be revoked without access to your Systems and leads. Please do not apply if serious about getting results we work very hard to attract the right level of licensees.


Warning there is no implied or expressed guarantees of success, some of the examples above may be outliers or above average results. The sales figures stated above are our internal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

This site or product is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any social media platform in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of META PLATFORMS, Inc. YOUTUBE and GOOGLE are trademarks of ALPHABET, Inc.

Absolutely nothing on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim for what you will earn simply by joining.

These products, ONLINE TRAINING COURSES, SOFTWARE and TOOLS are intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS and ADVERTISERS learn how to get more customers for their products. It is NOT a “business opportunity” or “get rich quick” opportunity.

The testimonials, figures, and screenshots on this page are real but they are displaying exceptional results from our best customers. These results are not typical. They are not intended to guarantee, promise or represent that you will get the same result just by signing up.

This will require work and you will be the ultimate person responsible for taking action and making sure you get the results that you want.

Purchasing online education may be risky and not viable, in fact most people are not equipped or capable of obtaining results. You hereby are encouraged to opt out of all communications and release Mazu LLC and/or its successors and/or assignees from any income claims. We do not provide any legal or financial or real estate advice and you should seek your own council.

Any income or earnings statements are estimates of income potential only, and there is no assurance that your earnings will match the figures we present.

Your reliance on the figures we present is at your own risk. Any income or earnings depicted are NOT to be interpreted as common, typical, expected, or normal for the average student. This particular result may be exceptional, and the variables that impact results are so numerous and sometimes uncontrollable, that Mazu LLC aka REI Machines / WiFiFlips its successors and or assignees makes no guarantees as to your income or earnings of any kind, at any time. Where specific income figures are used, and attributed to an individual or business, those persons or businesses have earned that amount. But, there is no assurance that your earnings or income will match those figures, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon our examples or figures, you do so at your own risk, and you accept all risk associated with your reliance.Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings made on our web sites or in our materials or information are not to be considered as average earnings. Testimonials are not representative. There can by no assurances that any prior successes, or past results, as to income earnings, can be used as an indication of your future success or results.Monetary and income results are based on many factors. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your work ethic, or your business skills or practices. Therefore we do not guarantee or imply that you will win any incentives or prizes that may be offered, that you will make any income or earnings, that you will do well, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon our examples or figures, you do so at your own risk, and you accept all risk associated with your reliance.Real property businesses and earnings derived therefrom, have unknown risks involved, and are not suitable for everyone. Making decisions based on any information presented in our programs, products, services or on our website, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience significant losses, or make no money at all. Only risk capital should be used.All products and services of our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.Users of our programs, products, services and website are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and all information, programs, products and services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, programs, products and services should be carefully considered and evaluated before reaching a business decision, or whether to rely on them. All disclosures and disclaimers made herein, on our web sites or in any materials provided to you apply equally to any offers, prizes or incentives that may be made by our company. You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company programs, products and/or services.

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